Sunday, June 22, 2014

FBA Friday Series # 2: What you need to get started on FBA (The Very Basics)

Sorry for being late in posting this. Hubby surprised me with a trip away for our anniversary and I didn't have time to post before we left. 

This is how I started at the very beginning on FBA. I have some other things that I have purchased since I started that made things easier, but for a year this is how I did it.

printer and sheets of  address size labels
boxes for shipping (18 x 18 x 16 is the biggest you can do without getting an oversize charge on shipping)
packing tape
shipping labels or paper for printing mailing labels
some inventory you want to sell- I'd start by looking around your house or in your inventory for some items that have UPC codes on them
an Amazon Pro Merchant account ($40 a month) (Amazon Merchant Fulfullied costs you a dollar per item in fees, if you sell more than 40 items a month then it's already worthwhile) you can see Amazon's explanation here 

plastic bags- 2ML thick with a suffication warning label, or your own suffication warning labels to put on you bags (you only need these if you are selling things that aren't self contained, like a book, a toy with an opening etc. )
If you are planning on bundling items you will also need some bags or shrink wrap to put them together with. I used household cling wrap in the beginning, not the best, but it works and it's pretty cheap.
if you are selling more than one item in a bundle you will also need some stickers that say do not seperate.

next time we will talk about listing your item for FBA.
until next time~


  1. Thanks so much for the information. I've read that you need a laser printer. Is this a must? I have an inkjet printer that I absolutely love. Would this work for printing FBA Labels?
    Thanks, Vanessa

  2. I started with an inkjet and used it for about a year before I got my dymo. The only difference is you will have to print a full sheet of labels instead of one at a time. I'll be explaining that more next week. Thanks!

  3. in their FBA starter guide now they say not to use an inkjet at all. I don't know if its an absolute requirement.

    1. The FBA manual does say no inkjets, I am just going with my personal experience. To start out and to save initial investment, I used my inkjet and didn't have any problems. However, if your item sits in the warehouse for a while or gets wet it could fade or run, which could cause problems. They also say not to tape over the barcode because it could make it unscannable. I think it's more of a what you can afford issuewhen you first start out. I use a dymo printer now.

  4. Thanks for the list and tips on bundling. I wanted to let you know that my blog name is no longer Cray Cray for eBay. The new name is Garage Sale Heaven and the new url is If you could make the change on your blogroll, I would really appreciate it :)

  5. Do you think it's worth it to use FBA if you're only going to send in a few things here and there? I've been on the fence about Amazon for awhile now, and have come to the realization that I don't have the time to commit to take on another project right now. Maybe in the Fall when my youngest starts preschool. Should I just hold off? Or start now by just sending in a few things to get a feel for it works before I really dive in? I appreciate your input! Great post.

  6. I think it depends on how much you want to make Amazon part of your plan. I depend on Amazon as my main source of income, so for me I would send in ASAP. If you are planning on things that will do well at Christmas time, I would suggest learning how now, it will make it easier when things are crazy near Christmas. It takes a little bit to figure out the system and what sells best there. I would definetly say start small! It can be overwhelming if you try with too much inventory at once!


I'm back......

Whoa Friends, has it been a long time! Hard to believe my last post was over 3 years ago- but here I am. A few things have changed- I am now...