Saturday, May 31, 2014

Adjusting to Home Life

I've offically been a stay (work) at home mom for a week.
Here is what I have learned thus far:
It took a year for the house to get to be this chaotic, it will take more then a few days to remedy that. 

My children have missed me, and I have missed out on so much. Baby girl loves to play with dolls and copies everything I do, little man just really needs some mommy attention. It's been a 3 person parade at my house all week (ie: they follow me wherever I go, even if it's just for a second) It's so good to know them again! 

I can take both of them, for a whole day (9-6) to source and thrift and we made it home in one piece, a car full and only one major meltdown (mostly by me!) In the future I will try to remember to pack more formula and snacks and the ipad car charger~ that will help!  (Baby girl is still on a limited diet to help prevent her asthma from getting worse and to hopefully help her outgrow it in the future, so we are still not doing any dairy until at least her 15 month check up, hence the formula!) 

I can cook beans in the crockpot using this recipe and they are really good! (and cheap!) 
Much better than the beans I tried when we were first married and I didn't know you are supposed to soak them overnight! 

When I list I sell despite security breaches and being the black sheep of google's family. 

I need to be nicer to myself and not expect Rome to be built in a day.  Hubby is already worried that I am pushing myself too much. He's probably right.  I know that I need more than 2-3 hours sleep. I just feel overwhelmed by how much I need to do for both my family and my business. Again, it's not going to happen overnight and I need to set some boundaries or I will work too much. 

My hubby says it's nice to see me smile again.  

In many ways it feels like teaching was years ago, in others it feels like any other summer. I don't think it's really going to sink in until school starts again. 

We have a busy week ahead of us, Bible school every morning next week and hopefully a little small town sourcing afterwards. 30 boxes almost all packed and ready for Amazon on Monday.  Keeping up with laundry ( it took me 35 loads to get caught up! not including bedding!) I think we will be able to get by with less clothing now that I am home.

My plan going forward to getting the house more in order ie: enough so that I am not embarrssed if someone shows up to visit. I can get a cleaning schedule and declutter schedule going once the surfaces are cleaned off, and 10 total listings a day- on Amazon, Ebay or etsy. 

Flood water continues to rise, due to sudden hot weather (ie snow melt) and rain storms every afternoon.  
Current water level at the bridge is 9ft. 10", water will go over the bridge at 10 foot. The water is expected to crest on Tuesday, but if it keeps raining everyday we could have some major trouble, again. 

I have a few posts mostly written and plan on posting more this week. 
upcoming topics include:
organizing FBA supplies
setting daily/weekly/monthly goals
little kids and ebay- how to try to make it work
daily schedule

I forgot one really important thing about being at home. Sometimes it's hard, which I knew it would be, but I absolutely wouldn't trade it for anything! 


  1. Good for you! You are won't all happen in a day. I keep telling myself that every day. We rarely watch tv (usually for 1 hour with the kids as a family in the evening). Other than that..we are always doing something...yet the list of things that need to get done always gets longer and longer. I don't know how singe parents manage..LOL I keep telling myself that as long as I'm moving in the right direction..that's all that matters. :)

  2. So glad your home with your kiddos. From someone who knows, you will have chaotic days. You will have days when you wonder what the heck you were thinking. But, more often than not, you're going to enjoy the time that you have with your precious little ones and everything else will work itself out.


I'm back......

Whoa Friends, has it been a long time! Hard to believe my last post was over 3 years ago- but here I am. A few things have changed- I am now...