Friday, June 22, 2012

Colorado's Burning Ring of Fire

I haven't talked about the Colorado fires yet on this blog. But when I walked out of my shop tonight and saw this instead of the beautiful Colorado sunset over the mountians I decided it was time to write about it.
Please excuse the dumpster in the middle of the picture. Right after taking this, while zooming in for a closer shot I dropped and broke my camera. Luckily, my mom had just gotten me a new one as an anniversary present, so I'm covered. Thankfully I was using my old one to take this picture. I'm pretty well known for being klutz and dropping things.

The fire has been burning since June 9th. The high winds and hot temperatures haven't been helping any and as of today I believe the fire is 55% contained- sure doesn't look it from here does it?
We live about 1.5 hours away from the fire, but still find our cars covered in ash every morning and I've even had quarter size ash land on my arm while I was standing outside.

Little one and I are also having a hard time with our Asthma, since we are both very allergic to smoke. We've both been to the doctor for ear infections, and have spent over $1,000 this month just on asthma meds. I cannot even imagine being one of the many families who have lost their homes in the fire.

My dad was a volunteer fire fighter for over 35 years in our small town and had to fight many field and hay fires, so I know what a sacrifice this also is for those families.

Please keep the evacuated people, firefighters and people with medical conditions being affected by the fire in your prayers. I hope they can get the fire under control soon.

To donate to help colorado wildfire victims you can go here.

1 comment:

  1. I am originally from Colorado and have two Aunts and an Uncle living in Fort Collins. The fires are just terrible and I hope it rains soon. Just two years ago it was burning and now again the fires are out of control.


I'm back......

Whoa Friends, has it been a long time! Hard to believe my last post was over 3 years ago- but here I am. A few things have changed- I am now...