Saturday, April 28, 2012

Moving forward

spent the day working on the ebay room and taking advantage of the last free listing day. There are walls, insulation to be done this week, sheetrock should be put in next weekend. Possibly moving into it in 2-3 weeks. Yipee!
outside wall where I will drive my car up and unload
probably putting a large sorting table here.

back wall, possibly where my clothes will hang?

front wall where photo taking area will be. We will be getting rid of the pellet stove- wasn't working so well for little one and me with our asthma. I got an amish plug in fireplace from little one and hubby for my birthday that will heat in here. It wil be a while before I need it!

I can't wait until I can move into my new room and get all of my ebay stuff organized and easier to find and list/ship from home.

I didn't get to go thrifting or saling today, with hubby out in my shop I didn't want him to see me bringing in more new stuff to the chaos. :)

so, please share with me what you found today, let me live vicariously through you!


  1. Your new space is looking fabulous! I spent $1 today...moving soon so bought a book for .25 cents, vintage religious votive holder in the free box at the same garage sale and a vintage flower planter for .75 cents. You will be shopping again soon!

  2. Is your amish stove the one they advertise in the newspapers all the time? I always wondered if they worked well? Have you used it yet?


I'm back......

Whoa Friends, has it been a long time! Hard to believe my last post was over 3 years ago- but here I am. A few things have changed- I am now...