Saturday, September 14, 2013

Flooding in Colorado

I have had people contacting me wondering if the flooding in Colorado is near me.  So, here is an update.

Yes, the flooding on the South Platte is very near me. My parents live right on the river but so far have not been evacuated, although their road is closed and there have been neighbors who were evacucated.

While we do not have flooding around our house, there is extensive flooding (as in 19 feet above the top of the bridge!) nearly everywhere around us, preventing us from getting out from our house very far.

Last night my husband went to help an elderly man that we know who lives on the flood plain. He refused to leave his house and my hubby stayed and tried to talk him into going, by the time the man and his wife decided that maybe they should go there was 5 feet of water in the house.  My hubby ended up staying all night in the flooded house with the elderly couple and was rescued by a white water raft specialzed team this morning. It took him 2 hours to drive the half an hour ride get home, as he had to drive around and try to find a bridge that was sstill open. I am so happy to have him home and safe with us. God has truly blessed us this year!

I have been having pretty good sales (especially for not listing much, the new job is taking a lot of extra hours!) but the USPS isn't able to pick up my packages right now. I have emailed customers to let them know and so far everyone has been very understanding.

I am planning on post again sometime next week with an update on the new job and some sales info!

Hope you and your family are safe and sound!



  1. Glad you are safe....FYI if you get neg fb ebay will remove because of a natural disaster (they took off a couple negs for me due to hurricane sandy). It is their policy but still be prepared to fight ebays CS lol

  2. Hugs and prayers sent your way. Glad to know your family is safe and sound.

  3. So happy to hear you're all well and safe. God is good.


I'm back......

Whoa Friends, has it been a long time! Hard to believe my last post was over 3 years ago- but here I am. A few things have changed- I am now...