Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Let there be light!

First let me apologize for being absent for a while. The end of school came and went and my kiddos left me and my entire family with a lovely parting gift- The Flu.

I have not been that sick in my entire life!  Little one started it with a high fever and saying he didn't feel well for a few days. I started throwing up at about 8 pm, my hubby started at 10pm, we called my parents to see if they could take little one the next morning to discover my mom had been sick all night. So my dad came to get him but they called at about 3pm to say my dad thought he was going to pass out and we needed to come and get little one. My brother also ended up with it. The throwing up lasted two days, the fever lasted three. Let's hope the flu shot cover that next year!

The day after recovering from the flu, Wednesday, I went to the dentist, I think I've mentioned it before, but I am terrified of the dentist. I had not been for almost 15 years, but went this year. Hence the reason I had to have 4 cavaties and 1 crown done. Thanks to the zanax, it was actually my best visit ever to the dentist and I slept until Thursday evening.

Friday was a really cool big garage sale in a town about an hour away that my mom and I found last year. I totally didn't even think to take pictures while I was there, I think I was still a little loopy from the dentist. Please forgive me.

It's held at a large house that has several out buildings. Two older people run it and their family helps. There are about 12 buildings total and they are really organized, there's a kitchen building, a western building etc. The prices were a little higher than last year, but still pretty good. I ended up spending $155 and filling the back of my mom's expedition to the top. I am still sorting thru all of my goodies, but I will get some photos posted this week. 

and Finally, my big announcement, hubby got my lights wired yesterday. Now that there is light I can welcome you to my new ebay room!!!!

It's not perfect, it's not totally finished and it's still smaller than I would have liked, but at least it's all mine. . . well except for this area (which mommy needs anyway to keep from going insane while trying to get work done)

The floor still needs another coat, and I still need trim and A/C, but I'm very happy to be moved in.

I have my tv from my old house. It's pretty big so I might be downsizing if I can find a good deal.
I am still hoping to fit in a comfy chair to sit while I list, and a table/desk area, we'll see how it all fits in. But I have light, a place to pack and take photos and a whole lot of work ahead of me. My goal is to beef up my listings from 350 to 800 by the time school starts again, which is about 7 a day. I'm hoping to list at least 10 items a day. Which means I need to get little one down for his nap and start snapping away.

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I'm back......

Whoa Friends, has it been a long time! Hard to believe my last post was over 3 years ago- but here I am. A few things have changed- I am now...