Friday, April 6, 2012

What are you going to do with the rest of your day. . .?

So, my week hasn't turned out as planned. 
When I went to give Hubby all of my tax stuff for online selling a few days ago, I found out that I hadn't recored all of the info I needed and hadn't done some stuff right. So I have been staying up until  2 or 3 am all this week redoing it all, from scratch. I will have a better plan for next year!

On the agenda for the rest of the Easter weekend
clean house for Easter Company (mostly move all ebay inventory out into shop, sound easy, but with about 50 loads to carry, probably not so much)
boil eggs and dye Easter Eggs with little one

after little one goes to bed
try to finish tax prep- I'm starting on October
pack 6 orders for amazon- big toys, big $, yea!

take little one to egg hunt in town 9am (leave house by 7:45 to be there on time)
drop little on off at brother's house, he's going to "help" Daddy build a fence
clean house more
make deviled eggs, mashed potatoes, thaw ham for Easter dinner
get Easter Baskets for family put together
hopefully pack some more orders :) 
finish (or hopefully already finished) tax papers!

Praise that Jesus died for my sins and arose from the grave, just as he promised !!!

sunrise service at o' dark thirty

back to hide and find Easter Eggs

everyone at our house for Easter Lunch, maybe dinner too

Monday- off from school
list, photograph, organize, play with little one's new Easter toys

Wishing you an Easter Sunday filled with praise, grace, love and family

What are you going to do with the rest of your day?

1 comment:

  1. What problems did you have with filing taxes? Just wondering, will have to file for this year. Makes me very nervous thinking about it. Not very organized, do not keep great records


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Whoa Friends, has it been a long time! Hard to believe my last post was over 3 years ago- but here I am. A few things have changed- I am now...