Monday, August 12, 2013

Back to work

It's that day I have been dreading for months. I return to my "real" work today. To a new job I hadn't planned on moving to. Leaving my 4 month old and my 4 yr old for the whole day, something I have not done in over 5 months. I am not ready for this. I want so badly to just say forget it, forget it all, I'm staying here where I belong. This feeling is the reason that I can go on 3 hours sleep and the hope that next year at this time, I will not be saying goodbye to go back to work. That I will be able to do this full time. I have talked to hubby and he is at least saying maybe. That's so much closer than I was last year.  Here's to a great year with my new kinder kiddos, a great year for my own little kiddos and a successful year online, so that I have a choice to work from home next year if I so choose.

I can do this because I have to . Can someone give me a pep talk now? I sure could use one. 


  1. I am always impressed by how organized you seem to be, the variety of items you seem to be knowledgeable about, and how much you can get done having two littles to care for AND a full time job. If anyone can make this work, it would be you!

    Is your eBay income "extra" right now? Would it be possible to put aside most of it in savings during the next school year? I'm just thinking that might reinforce for hubby what you are able to accomplish part time, and give you something in reserve to fall back on as you get going full time next year.

    I totally know how you are feeling about wanting to stay home. I went back to work half time for a couple months after my first was born and I was agonized over it, hated it. After two months of stress and resenting work I decided to make the leap and I quit to stay home. We were lucky that the financial issues worked themselves out (I think my husband got a promotion about the same time, which helped offset the loss of my income).

    Hang in there. Best wishes to you and yours.

    1. Thank you Kari, you made me cry- in a good way. It was just what I needed as I headed out the door to work. It's so nice to have someone who understands. Right now it is kinda extra- I use it for things I need for school, clothes for the kiddos, etc. I think that we should just takethe leap for a year and try and I think that we would find things worked out too, but Hubby isn't on board with that yet. He still can't believe that I can make enough. But I'm going to keep going and keeping track and prove that I can. It just gets harder when school starts again, especially when I'm starting at a new school, that does everything totally different than my old one.

    2. If next year you decide to quit your job, would you have the option of subbing from time to time? I'm not a teacher, but my "real" job also uses subs, and so I've been doing that (maybe 4 hours a week or so) ever since I quit. It's perfect because I can completely work it around my husband's work schedule. Instead of resenting work I look forward to it as a chance to get to visit with some friends and engage my brain.

      It seems like I remember that you use grandparents for child care currently? (Totally jealous that you have parents near enough to do that, btw.) Maybe if you had subbing in your back pocket as an additional way to supplement your income, that would be one more way to get hubby on board with the plan.

  2. I don't know how much of a pep talk this is, but just know that any mom who is reading this can sympathize. I read your post and I hurt for you. I encourage you to keep working and building your business as much as possible, so that you can make your dream a reality as soon as possible.

  3. Thank you, that is a good pep talk, just knowing there are people who understand and are cheering for me makes a huge difference. Thank you for your support!

  4. I can completely sympathize with you. I returned to work full-time after my daughter was born and was away from her for nearly 12 hours a day. I had a baby in March and am working part-time from home at my old job and supplementing the rest of my income with ebay. At first my husband thought I was nuts to think ebay could provide for our family, but I worked my tail off to prove him wrong!! :o) I wish you the best and hope I'll be reading about you leaving your job soon!


I'm back......

Whoa Friends, has it been a long time! Hard to believe my last post was over 3 years ago- but here I am. A few things have changed- I am now...