Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tip Tuesday #7 Homemade Goo Gone

I spend one day a week removing packing tape goo. I hate the stuff.
I found this recipe on Pintrest. I made a big batch and keep it in an empty truvia jar with an old toothbrush.
I like it because it's thick and stays on without running everywhere.

I put it on in the morning and let it soak until little one's nap time. Works great, inexpensive and easy to make.

Homemade Goo Gone
1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup oil (olive, canola, vegetable)
1 tsp. dish soap (I love Dawn)
20 drops Lemon essential oil
Mix all ingredients in a bowl until smooth. Store in an airtight glass container. Remove as much of the label/sticker from container as possible. Spread generously over the sticker, rub it in a bit with your fingers to help it absorb. Leave mixture on container for 10-15 minutes or longer. With your finger rub in circular motions until all adhesive is removed. Wipe off and wash with a little soap and water. Makes about 8 oz.

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